Sunday, May 26, 2013


Years ago when I was an adult leader in a Scout troop, we took some boys to the World Jamboree in Canada.  In a number of European countries (Sweden and Czechoslovakia come to mind) their scouting programs included both boys and girls.  Not that anything happened (and not that I would have known), but you can well imagine all sorts of behavior that could go on between the sexes if they had it the same way in this country.
It would be interesting to find out from the homophobes in and out of Scouting - and obviously opposed to the recent BSA descision - what they think about what I experienced at that Jamboree.  Just imagine how many adult leaders would cross the line or how many boys/girls would use a Scout troop as a dating club.
I've heard that the Girl Scouts admits members that are homosexual (not sure about the leadership), and they don't seem to have the same issues the boys do.  Well, it appears that the adults have the problems with it more than the boys do.

The Boy Scouts is a great organization, and with the right leadership it will continue to be.

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