Monday, May 20, 2013

king for a day...

If I were King for a Day in America, there are a few things I would change (as would we all).  Here is a partial list:

1.  The TEA Party.  Much as I can't stand them (which is a whole hell of a lot), they would not be banned.  Rather, I would make them a separate political party.  They will always say that they are merely a wing of the Republican party, but as long as they use the word 'party' in their name they must be a separate political party.
If a current Republican, like Ted Cruz, wants to be identified as a member of the TEA party then he can no longer be considered a Republican, because good Republicans like Chris Christy are being run out of town by the radical baggers.  This move would rescue the Republicans from the extreme right wing.  Let them fight it out amongst themselves in the primaries, and then see how they do in a race with Democrats, Libertarians, Independents and true Republicans.

2.  501(c)(4's.  Well, isn't this a hot topic right now.  Good.  We need to put a spotlight on this issue because this tax category has fast become a major source of corruption.  If I were King I would start addressing this issue by reversing the Citizen's United ruling.  Then I would make sure the tax code allowing 501(c)(4)s was back to its original wording because it has become ambiguous (and the source of all the trouble).
If a group, liberal or conservative does anything remotely political they should not be allowed favored status.  No matter what they claim as it relates to politics, the intent of these groups IS political in nature.  By this virtue alone they should in no way have any tax-exempt status; there are too many loopholes, excuses, and lame ways around the intent of the tax code language.
For these reasons, and because these groups rake in millions of dollars, they need to be taxed and held accountable in all ways.  As your King for a Day,  I would make full disclosure the the rule of law.

More rulings later....

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