Friday, May 3, 2013

Alex is on.  No, not Alex Jones (although I think he is on something) but Alex Wagner.  She is a cutie. Anyway, they're discussing guns, and playing clips like Ayotte's town hall.  The tea party-based comment about a gun registry came up again.

Ayotte must not do her job right and apparently did not read the Manchin-Toomey gun bill before voting 'NO,' since the bill makes it illegal to have a registry.  So why does she think there will be one?  Obviously she distrusts the government (of which she is a part), has it in for Obama, and is prone to believing crazy people (the tea party).  She must be an idiot.

Something I don't get - I need to read more - just what is so horrible about a registry?  If a guy walks into a gun shop and goes through a background check doesn't the gun shop owner look into a database that tells him to sell or not sell to the buyer?  and isn't that database a type of registry?

Maybe there's a new definition of registry.  Hmmm....oh, I get it now.  The registry is a list of American's who spout anti-government kooky talk and pose a threat to the US, and should include people like the Timothy McVeighs, the Lanza family and the Boston bombers among others.

Now, say there is list (registry).  If you're just an average 'Joe Citizen' who likes to shoot some ducks and a deer or two, then what are you worried about.  I've lived with some of them.  If you're a Ted Nugent-type screaming all kinds of radical things about the President and Hillary Clinton, then maybe we should keep an eye out.  Isn't is kind of a coincidence that when someone shoots up a school or movie theater, or blows up a building that they always are looking at their e-mails, YouTube videos and anything that may have provided a clue as to their motives or terrorist leanings, or whatever?

Maybe we should have a registry.  I personally don't care one way or another, but if (or when) another Sandy Hook or Aurora happens then that might actually come to pass.  Who knows.

Did I mention that Alex Wagner is cute?

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