Just saw John Barrasso on Morning Joe. Another bagger. He wasn't ranting (but may have as well been doing that) about Obamacare and gun legislation. Same old crap the right is spewing to justify their blockage of the President.
At one point he stated that a full-time job is 30 hours per week. Perhaps he misspoke, but if he didn't and he actually believes that then what happened to the 40-hour work week? If a person puts in 35 hours then I guess they're making overtime, and employers really hate paying overtime. They will not schedule overtime and will send employees home early when they approach that point (I know 'cause I've been there).
As much as I know about it, the health care law doesn't really kick in until 2014 (the parts that opponents hate), so it seems to me that they are projecting fears more than anything on to this. I have a feeling that they are making a mountain out of a molehill.
I'm just curious to see how many more times the congress will bring up the repeal of Obamacare this year.
More on the other stuff later.
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